The all-in-one software for your
cleaning business

Automate all processes from scheduling, time tracking and payroll accounting to writing quotations, invoicing and controlling. Everything in one system.
Accessible anytime and anywhere.

Die Software für Gebäudereiniger
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Your entire cleaning business in
one software

From A to Z: All processes in one software for cleaning businesses
Quotations & calculations

Create quotations and win orders

PlanD optimizes the creation of quotations for cleaning businesses: With just a few clicks you can calculate and create professional, individually designed offers and send them directly by e-mail or post. Customers confirm with one click via our customer portal, and your quote immediately turns into an order.
Calculate goods and services
Create professional quotations
Send order confirmations
Angebote und Kalkulation in unserer Software für Gebäudereinigung
Einsatzplanung in unserer Software für Gebäudereinigung

Efficient shift planning:
Always informed, always flexible

PlanD makes shift planning child's play: Regardless of whether it's a one-off job or recurring maintenance cleaning – you always plan your employees based on the availability, capacities or working hours that have been stored in the system.
Using the PlanD app, your employees always see their current job schedule and are informed about new assignments in real time via push notifications – even in the event of short-term changes.
Digital job schedules
Mobile schedules for employees via app
Communicate changes in real time
Absence management

Report absences and easily reschedule jobs

With the PlanD app, absence management in building cleaning becomes clear and direct. Employees can simply call in sick or submit vacation requests. The software immediately suggests suitable replacements and informs the employees and the customer. In addition, the app provides a clear overview of each employee’s remaining vacation days.
Absence notifications via app
Substitution management
Vacation days
Abwesenheiten in unserer Software für Gebäudereinigung

Over 200 satisfied cleaning businesses

from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland already rely on our innovative software solution.
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Zeiterfassung in unserer Software für Gebäudereinigung
Time tracking

Record working hours digitally instead of on paper

Employees record working times directly on site via the app, with breaks and travel times seamlessly integrated. Thanks to GPS, it is always ensured that everyone is at the right place of work. Deviations from planned working times are automatically detected and reported.
With our digital timesheets, your cleaning staff always have an overview of the hours they have worked. This prevents errors in the payment of your employees and increases employee satisfaction.
Record break and travel times
Offline availaible
GPS location detection
Digital work slips

Quick and easy power consumption

Revolutionise your acceptance process with the digital work slip. Once a cleaning job or similar service has been completed, your employees can use our app to obtain the customer's signature directly on site.
The digitally signed work slip is transferred to invoicing in real time. This enables fast and seamless invoicing so that no time is lost between order completion and invoice dispatch.
Digital work slip & signature
Seamless transfer to accounting
Arbeitsscheine in unserer Software für Gebäudereinigung
Rechnungsstellung in unserer Software für Gebäudereinigung

Simplify your invoiving process

With our software for building cleaning, you can create compliant invoices, whether recurring, instalment/partial or final invoices, and send them directly to your customers by e-mail or post.
In the event of any discrepancies, you can easily create cancellation invoices or credit notes. PlanD also automatically reminds your customers of outstanding payments and has an efficient dunning system with freely adjustable dunning levels.

Recurring invoices
Partial or final invoices
Payment reminders & dunning
Cancellation invoices & credit notes

Loved by our customers

Customers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland already rely on our software for commercial cleaning businesses.

"Thanks to PlanD, our productivity in organising substitutions has increased considerably. In the event of absences, I can see orders and reschedule employees according to skills. A great added value."

Benjamin Volk

Managing Director

"As Managing Director, I use PlanD to keep track of all properties, employees, materials and consumption. The tool provides deep insight and control over our resources."

Fabio Calandra

Managing Director

"Thanks to the playful and clear app and the digital timesheets, my employees have full transparency at all times and always have an overview of their working hours."

Alexander Schleiss


Gebäudereinigung Qualitätsmanagement
Quality management

Satisfied customers guaranteed

Effective quality management is the key to customer satisfaction and the long-term success of your company. Our ticket system is used for both internal and external reporting of concerns. As soon as a customer creates a ticket, it is automatically assigned to the responsible employee and taken into account for the next cleaning so that no issue is overlooked.
Our app also gives object managers the opportunity to carry out regular quality checks in order to recognise a possible tendency towards declining cleaning quality at an early stage.
Quality controls
Preliminary payroll accounting

Payroll accounting at the push of
a button

With PlanD, you can pay your employees in no time at all. Store individual employment relationships and create your own wage types. From wage group 1 to special benefit types. Automatically determine bonuses for night work or work on Sundays and public holidays in accordance with the framework collective agreement or create your own bonus types.
You can easily export the finished payroll data to your payroll office as a CSV file or benefit from automated data exchange thanks to our interfaces to DATEV and other payroll programmes.
Individual employment relationships, wage types & bonuses
Own continued remuneration & types of absence
Interfaces & custom exports
Software Gebäudereinigung für vorb. Lohnabrechnung
Software Gebäudereinigung Controlling
Controlling & analysis

Profitability always in focus

Always keep track of all outstanding invoices. See at a glance which invoices have already been paid and how much money is still outstanding. With PlanD, you can always keep an eye on all your finances, see every day how much turnover your cleaning company is making and how much your daily expenditure is.
How profitable are my orders? With our software, you can check exactly how much you earn with each of your jobs and how much you spend on each job in comparison. This allows you to optimise your jobs even better and grow as a commercial cleaning company.
View daily turnover
Evaluate the profitability of orders
Book your free product tour now
Make an appointment with one of our digitisation experts and benefit from the advantages of our all-in-one software for building cleaners today.