How Reinigungsklinik RK now has everything under control with PlanD.

"It really saves us a lot of time, a lot of hours. It's a huge difference from the software we had before."

Mohsen Malahmir

Owner & Managing Director


Mohsen Malahmir has been the CEO of RK GmbH Cleaning Clinic for nearly two years. The company was founded in 2018. RK Cleaning Clinic primarily specializes in cleaning eateries and nightclubs and managing over 40 Airbnb apartments. Before adopting PlanD, Mohsen Malamir initially used Excel sheets to schedule the nearly 20 cleaning staff, which were then sent to their mobile phones. Time tracking was done with paper timesheets: "We used to collect them and the employees would come at the end of the month to sign them. It was, of course, very time-consuming," explains the CEO. The lack of control eventually became a problem. "Of course, after a few years, we also realized that the employees were logging more hours or weren't yet at the property. They would write from 9 to 11, even though they were only there until 10," shares Mohsen Malahmir. He then decided to implement a software solution. However, the software solutions that Mohsen Malahmir initially worked with did not meet his expectations: "I worked with several, but usually only for a few days. They were so complicated; so much back and forth. Eventually, I stumbled upon PlanD on the internet." Since December, Mohsen Malahmir and his team have been using the all-in-one software from PlanD, specially developed for building service providers. "So far, I can say that it's much simpler than the others. I'm really satisfied," Mohsen Malahmir sums up the first months since deciding to go with PlanD.


With PlanD, Mohsen Malahmir can now plan the assignments of his employees all in one system and can finally do away with Excel sheets. Using the PlanD scheduler, he can plan all the assignments for the coming week on Friday or Saturday. The employees receive their assignments simply on their smartphones via the PlanD app. "We really save a lot of time, many hours. It's a huge difference compared to the software before," Mohsen Malahmir is satisfied. Even though there was initially some skepticism among his employees, the digital time tracking using the mobile PlanD app offers many advantages for Mohsen Malahmir. In particular, the improved control options through digital time tracking and GPS tracking save the CEO a significant amount of money. "With PlanD, it's much, much, much better. We see how many hours were worked in the month, what we previously paid, and what we pay now," Mohsen Malahmir points out the hours he now pays less for, which were often erroneously recorded before.


After just under three months, Mohsen Malahmir and RK GmbH Cleaning Clinic have already fully implemented almost all employees. "It's great and works really well," says the CEO contentedly. Thanks to PlanD, he was finally able to solve the problem of deployment planning and has now found software specifically tailored to building cleaners. With digital time tracking, he now has much better control over the hours worked by his employees and always has an overview of all operations and finances. Mohsen Malahmir also plans to use the quotation and invoicing tool in the future to have all internal processes combined in one system. Currently, he still has a contract with another provider: "I have that contract until the end of May. And as soon as it ends, I will switch it to PlanD because I've already seen it in videos and it also looks very, very easy. And when everything is in one app, it's naturally simpler," the CEO looks forward to.


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