How Volker Vogel digitalised the entire time tracking process.

"On-site time recording is the be-all and end-all for us. It saves us a lot of time."

Volker Vogel

Owner & Managing Director


Volker Vogel has been self-employed for 25 years. Initially starting with pure glass cleaning, Volker Vogel Glas and GebÀudereinigung now also offers maintenance cleaning, industrial cleaning, winter services, and garden maintenance with 15 employees. Volker Vogel himself is responsible for the office work. In addition, there are two glass cleaners and approximately 10 maintenance cleaners. However, time tracking has been a concern for him for some time: "Our employees have always submitted it analogously in the office at the beginning of the month. This often led to paper chaos." So Volker Vogel and his stepdaughter looked for a digital solution. However, initially without success. The first software they implemented always required internet access and quickly proved to be unusable. Then they came across PlanD's All-in-One software.


"With the PlanD app, time tracking is finally digital for us," says Volker Vogel. His employees can easily record their times directly at the site using the PlanD app. And they no longer have to go to the office at the beginning of the month to submit their timesheets. In addition, the task of typing in the times is eliminated. With PlanD, timesheets are automatically generated from the times, and the cleaning staff always have an overview of their hours worked and their monthly wages. Volker Vogel's employees now also receive notifications about new assignments via the PlanD app. Previously, assignment planning was done via the Outlook calendar for years. "The assignment planner is already a great help. Especially when rearranging people," says Volker Vogel. The entire assignment planning for the next week is now done by the managing director whenever he can "squeeze in an hour."


Volker Vogel and his team wanted a solution that digitized time tracking and allowed for on-site mobile usage, preferably without the internet. With the PlanD app, his employees can now easily record their deployment times. They can start, stop, and finish them with a click without any hassle. And the recorded times are sent directly to Volker Vogel's office and no longer need to be brought and transferred on paper timesheets: "On-site time tracking is crucial for us. It saves us a lot of time." From planning to completing the assignment, everything now runs through a single system for Volker Vogel Glas and GebÀudereinigung. This saves time and paper!


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